
A helping hand for ‘Caring Hands in the Community’

VolkerHighways has recently donated material, plant and labour to Caring Hands in the Community to improve access routes to the building and their gardens. This enables the charity in Medway to make better use of the facilities to help individuals in their recovery to play a part in society.

VolkerHighways Medway Team

As part of the highways term maintenance contract in Medway, VolkerHighways was undertaking structural works to a car park which was located at the back of the charity Caring Hands in the Community's grounds. During the project works, the team were required to gain access to the site through the charity's grounds. They found that the access was wholly unsuitable for children, the elderly and disabled; all who of which use the services the charity offer.

Caring Hands in the Community directly helps those affected by issues such as homelessness, substance addiction, hunger, social exclusion and isolation. VolkerHighways wanted to help the charity by improving the access to the gardens and therefore enabling the charity to make better use of the garden for their users, providing a sanctuary where sometimes peace and tranquillity can help an individual's path to recovery much less painful. The improvement works to the garden area included the resurfacing of footpaths and the construction of a brick retaining wall.

Caring Hands in the Community is an outreach project of King's Church Medway, which is located on the opposite side of the road to the charity. After building a relationship with Pastor Matthew, the charity's founder, they found that access works were also required in the church's ground. The VolkerHighways Medway team went on to complete some improvement works in the shape of reforming steps and construction a new access ramp.

The newly constructed ramp has enabled access from the children's play area to the church garden. Previously, children had to be guided around the perimeter of the building which was adjacent to a very busy main road and required constant supervision. Due to the new ramp VolkerHighways constructed, children can now play under the watchful eye of their parents or carers without having to negotiate a rather long walk.

Marty Brogan, operating director of Caring Hands in the Community, said: "What VolkerHighways has done is awesome. We have wanted to do these works for a very long time; now that VolkerHighways has completed this for us we are able to focus our resources elsewhere. A big thank you to all involved."

Sohail Hussain, assistant contracts manager VolkerHighways said: "We are always looking for ways to support our local community such as our partnership with Medway Council in the Medway Walking Bus scheme. When we came across Caring Hands in the Community we knew we had to get involved and help them. They are such a valued charity within the community and we are pleased that we were able to offer such a valued contribution."