
VolkerHighways and Greener Highways roll out School Programme on Environmental Sustainability across the South

We have embarked on an initiative to educate school children about the importance of plants and bees in our ecosystem. This initiative is part of both VolkerHighways' and Greener Highways’ ongoing effort to promote environmental sustainability and foster a deeper connection between young generations and nature via social value outreach.

The partnership’s first outreach took place at Farringdon Gurney School in Bristol, where Year 2 students had an engaging, hands-on experience planting wildflowers and hanging insect hotels.

These activities were made possible through the Greener Highways First Shoots pack, which includes all necessary gardening tools, wildflower seeds, insect hotels, and even money trees for the children to take home and nurture.

The event was a great success, with representatives from VolkerHighways providing additional foliage and pallets to build a giant bug hotel. This not only enhanced the children’s learning experience but also contributed to creating a more vibrant and diverse school garden. The hour-long activity was filled with excitement and curiosity as the children learned about the vital role that plants and insects play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

The hard work is already starting to pay off. Feedback from the school show the results have been amazing! Wildflowers are blooming beautifully, and the bug hotel is bustling with activity.

Following the successful event in Bristol, Greener Highways and VolkerHighways brought their educational outreach to another school— John Rankin School in Newbury, Berkshire.

Here, Year 6 students undertook similar planting activities. The older children also collected branches and sticks to build their own giant insect hotel, reinforcing the practical skills and knowledge gained during the session.

Greener Highways provided the necessary support, delivering packs of tools and wildflowers, and assisting with the branch and leaf collecting.

“VolkerHighways has truly stepped up to the plate, demonstrating a strong dedication to educating young people in the localities in which they work about the importance of sustainability. Their efforts in providing resources and engaging directly with the students are invaluable. We are incredibly grateful for their partnership and efforts.”

Matt Lambert A representative of Greener Highways

“Our partnership with Greener Highways has enriched our support to local communities, providing schools with the time and resources needed to enhance local biodiversity. We are proud of our accomplishments so far, but this is only the beginning and look forward to the journey ahead.”

Cheryl Latreille Social Value Advisor at VolkerHighways

Both visits highlight the significant impact that community and corporate partnerships can have on environmental education.

By involving children in these activities, Greener Highways and VolkerHighways are planting the seeds of awareness and responsibility that will hopefully grow into a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.

These events are just the beginning of what promises to be a series of impactful collaborations aimed at making a positive difference in local communities. Through these efforts, Greener Highways and VolkerHighways are instilling a deeper understanding and appreciation of the importance of a healthy environment in the next generation.